Protecting the Integrity of ISACA Certifications

New ISACA Paper Enables Enterprises to Use Cyberrisk Quantification to Improve Approach to Cybersecurity Risk
Author: ISACA
Date Published: 6 July 2020

For more than 40 years, ISACA® certifications have had a globally recognized reputation for being relevant, valuable and credible. This reputation has benefited certification holders around the globe, and ISACA makes every effort to protect the integrity of its certifications and those who have earned them.

As part of ISACA’s strong stance on combatting attempted fraud and malfeasance and ensuring all exam takers have fair access and experiences, ISACA has taken the following actions to protect the credibility of its certification exams:

  • Searching the dark web for any exam-related content or proxy test takers
  • Implementing additional safeguards and procedures with ISACA’s testing vendor, including comprehensive proctor training on ISACA’s stringent exam-day business rules, ensuring that ISACA is using the most advanced security software to safeguard exam content during testing, and establishing dual agents to conduct the candidate authentication process and proctor the exam
  • Conducting additional forensics to find anomalies that might indicate fraud and enable anything suspicious to be identified quickly and proactively

ISACA thanks you for helping to protect certification holders, exam takers and the globally recognized integrity and value of ISACA certifications. Visit the Test Security and Fraud Reporting page of the ISACA website to report any possible fraudulent experiences you may have encountered or heard about. While it is very helpful to have your contact information, you also have the ability to report anonymously.